Cancer is the second leading cause of death behind heart disease. However, deaths from heart San lave declined 45 % in the United States since 1950 and continue to dedine, while cancer de-irs increasing. In this century, cancer is projected to be the leading cause of death. The development of effective cancer therapy is a major focus of biomedical research.
Neoplasia is a multifactorial process that can be broadly categorized into five etiologies: genetic, chemical, physical and inflammatory. Chemical, physical and inflammatory are closely linked to reactive
oxygen species, which can readily induce genomic damage
Cancer is considered to be a free radicals pathology.
Free radicals (FR) playing an important role not only in the primary mechanisms Of cancerogenesis but in the further tumor development.
It cannot be excluded that severe toxical events that occur at the terminal stage of the disease are caused by accumulation of hydroxidative radicals In the organism.
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy that are used to treat cancer can be reduced to free radicals release Their excessive accumulation has a damaging effect on membranes both of tumor and healthy cells causing serious metabolic disbalance, resulting in functional disorders of different organs.
In these conditions special attention should be attached to coordinated interaction between pro
oxidant and antioxidant
systems,. However, endogenic system of antioxidant defense (AOS) cannot cope with the intensification of oxidative processes and leads to the development of severe
oxidative in patients receiving conventional treatment, aggravates their life quality and often makes necessary to discontinue the treatment.
What is this ozone therapy
Ozone is an active form of oxygen with three oxygen atoms in its molecule . all living cells require oxygen for normal health and functioning.
Cause of all the cancers is the lack of oxygen at tissue level. By keeping optimum oxygen levels , cancer can be prevented. Using this active form of oxygen (ozone) to treat variety of disease including cancer is called ozone therapy
How ozone in help cancer
Ozone helps in following ways in cancer
Cancer calls are anaerobic . ozone floods these cells with oxygen in many ways.
It makes the RBCS release more oxygen at tissue level .
It improves general circulation
It leads to new vassel formation inside the tumor
Ozone,by making tumor environment normoxic, makes it very difficult for hypoxic cancer cells to survive
Ozone induces lyrnphocytes white blood cells to produce lymphokines. These activated lymphocytes
home in various lymphoid organs and brings entire immune system , to an alert state. Thus Ozone improves immunity and fight against cancer cells.
•Few circulatory cancer cells are killed by Ozone and acts as an auto vaccine. Thus producing antibodies against its tumor cells and help In killing them.
Ozone is a powerful oxidant. However, it stimulates anti oxidative enzymes in our normal eel's. This primes, cells to deal effectively with further oxidative stress, causing preconditioning effect. Oxidative cress in the form of free rodicals, generated by radiation or chemotherapy, is more effectively dealt with these anti oxidative enzymes. Thus side effects of these therapies are largely prevented by Ozone. cancer cells are lacking in anti oxidant enzymes unlike normal, healthy cells. Ozone rapidly oxidizes lipids in their cell membrane, causing hole and rupture of the cancer cells,
ozone is a powerful germicidal agent. It is effectively user] to treat infections commonly occuring in cancer patients, due to decrease immunity
•Cancer cells have lost apoptosis. Ozone induces apoptosis in cancer cells causing their death. "Liver activation by Ozone therapy helps induce liver enzymes which have powerful detoxification action,
neuro immunoendocrine system is so closely related that activation of one leads to activation of others, Ozone releases endorphins. This leads to belter pain relief and a generalized feeling of well being. general improvement in metabolism following ozone therapy leads to energetic feeling for the patients , it makes the * life of a cancer patient tolerable.
ozone therapy is given by rectal rout, somewhat similar to enema, it is totally painless quick and easy procedure and extremely effective ozone can also tic given in vagina or In ears intramuscular ozone injection are very good for pain relief in cancer patients.. funneling over the tumor, intravenous ozoneted saline drip, major autohemotherapy are other ways of giving ozone Mostly, ozone is given for 20 procedures on alternate days.
The essence of the mechanisms of chemotherapy and radiotherapy can be reduced lo free radical-, release Their excessive accumulation has a damaging effect on membrane* both of tumor and healthy cells, causing serious metabolic
disbalance, resulting in functional disorders of different organs In these conditions special attention should be attached to coordinated interaction between pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems,. However, endogenic system of antioxidant defense (AOS) cannot cope with the intensification of oxidative processes.
and leads to the development of severe toxicosis In patients receiving conventional treatment, aggravates their life quality and often makes It necessary to discontinue the treatment